Company is for Boys in school years 7 to 9.
Seniors is for Boys in school/college years 10 to 13.
The Company Programme
This age group has its own programme based on six areas: Get Active, Get Into the Bible, Get Creative, Get Learning, Get Adventurous and Get Involved. Boys get the chance to develop existing skills and learn new ones, through a fun, balanced and challenging programme of activities. Boys are encouraged to have a say and help shape their own programme. They can get involved in anything from helping others in their local community to playing sports, trying out adventure activities or being creative through dance or art – there’s something for everyone! There are also opportunities to go away on camps and residentials, which are often the highlights in the annual programme.
The Seniors Programme
Young men in this age group are encouraged to lead their own programme, supported by volunteer leaders. It’s all about the young men deciding what they would like to do and organising it for themselves. This age group has its own programme based on six areas: Get Active, Get Into the Bible, Get Creative, Get Learning, Get Adventurous and Get Involved.
There are opportunities to go away on camps and residentials, which are often the highlights in the annual programme.
Many young men in the Seniors age group are interested in getting involved with helping with the younger members in addition to getting involved in the Seniors programme. Training and support is provided for those young men who wish to volunteer in this way.
Throughout their time in Company, Boys can gain badges and recognition for their participation in the programme. There may also an opportunity for Boys to work earn the Discovery Badge, the Major Award in the Company programme.
Young men in Seniors can also gain badges and recognition for their participation in the programme. There may also an opportunity for Seniors to work towards the Major Awards in the Seniors programme, the President's Badge and the highest BB award ‒ the Queen's Badge.
Camps and sleepovers
Company and Seniors can also get the opportunity to go on camps and sleepovers, and for some this will be their first night away from home. Our camps vary in length from a weekend to a whole week. We go to camp locally, often in the Wyre Forest, and also further afield such as North Wales and Southern England.
The Worcestershire Battalion, to which our Company belongs, organises several annual events for members of Company and Seniors across the Battalion.
The Uniform
Boys in Company wear navy blue BB shirt and BB tie, together with a BB belt, BB hat, school trousers and shoes.
Seniors wear the same Uniform as Company, but with a Seniors' tie.
Safe & caring
All our adult volunteers undertake a disclosure (criminal records) check as part of their registration with The Boys’ Brigade, and are trained to provide a safe and caring environment for all children.
What it costs
A subscription of £4.50 per month covers the running costs of the Company. It's also possible to pay the subscription per term or per Brigade Session (Sept-Aug), instead of each month.
Uniform costs vary, but are typically between £50 and £60.
When and where we meet
Company and Seniors meet on Thursdays from 6pm until 8pm. We don't meet during school holidays, such as half-term breaks.
We're part of, and meet at, The United Church Lye which can be found at:
The United Church Lye,
Upper High Street,
Lye, DY9 8LX
How do I join?
To find out more please contact Mr David Burt for the Company age group or Mr Rob Parker for Seniors.
Please see our Contact us page for their contact details.